Oct 6, 20221 min

Execution of Armenian POWS in video could be war crime: EU special envoy

Updated: Oct 10, 2022

- EU special representative seeks answers after video allegedly shows execution of Armenian prisoners of war

- Recent border clashes between ex-Soviet republics Armenia and Azerbaijan killed almost 200 soldiers

A man stands next to a building damaged by recent shelling during border clashes with Azerbaijan, in the town of Jermuk, Armenia. [Photolure via Reuters]

Following the publication of a video allegedly showing the execution of Armenian prisoners of war, EU Special Representative Toivo Klaar called for clarification on Sunday.

“If this video is proven to be authentic then this is a war crime that needs to be investigated and the perpetrators punished,” Klaar wrote on Twitter.

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan had blamed neighbouring Azerbaijan over the content of the video, without providing evidence.

The two ex-Soviet republics have been fighting each other for decades over the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.

As recently as mid-September, an attack by Azerbaijan left more than 200 people dead on both sides.

Authoritarian-ruled Azerbaijan justified the attack with an alleged Armenian provocation. Armenia said the attack did not target Nagorno-Karabakh, but regions in the heartland of Armenia.

There have been previous reports of videos with gruesome scenes. The Armenian Ministry of Defence now wants to analyse the video, but said there is no doubt about its authenticity.

Azerbaijan wants to check the authenticity of the recordings, according to media reports.

(c) 2022, South China Morning Post

