Sweden looks to Canada as it launches truth commission into treatment of Indigenous people
Geraldine Shingoose wasn’t quite sure what to think of the e-mail that landed in her inbox from the Canadian embassy in Sweden. For...
Creating a Shared Language of Genocide Prevention Across the Globe
Sweden looks to Canada as it launches truth commission into treatment of Indigenous people
President Lula’s first pro-environment acts protect Indigenous people and the Amazon
El presidente Lula designó una representante de los pueblos indígenas en un nuevo ministerio
Vandals destroy 22,000-year-old sacred cave art in Australia, horrifying indigenous community
They were enslaved as Native Americans, then lost to their tribes
Mujeres indígenas logran que Cedaw (ONU) reconozca y garantice sus derechos
‘Doctors fitted a contraceptive coil without my consent’
Lula’s promise to create a ministry of Indigenous affairs in doubt
La supervivencia de la sabana brasileña se decide en los despachos de Bruselas
Mujeres indígenas de Guatemala denunciaron discriminación por parte del Estado