Izrael zatvara radiostanicu Glas Palestine u Istočnom Jerusalemu
Izraelski ministar nacionalne sigurnosti Itamar Ben-Gvir radiostanicu optužuje za huškanje protiv Izraela. Širom okupirane Zapadne obale...
Creating a Shared Language of Genocide Prevention Across the Globe
Izrael zatvara radiostanicu Glas Palestine u Istočnom Jerusalemu
Izraelski ministar Bezalel Smotrich: Palestinci ne postoje
Police stopped a Black couple in Tennessee – and took their children
Kontroverzni pravosudni zakon prošao prvo čitanje u izraelskom Knessetu
Do obale Italije ove godine stiglo 20.000 migranata
‘Just the tip of the iceberg’:
Des comoriens parmi les Africains persécutés en Tunisie
Italian narratives about the Amhara helped lay the seeds of genocide in Ethiopia
Namibie: présentation du film «L'homme mesuré» sur le génocide mené par les Allemands dans ce pays
Family of Tyre Nichols files urgent appeal with United Nations