Yazda welcomes and supports the exhumation of mass graves in Hamadan, Sinjar
On 5 March 2023, the Martyrs Foundation, the Iraqi government authority in charge of exhuming mass graves and identifying the victims, in...
Creating a Shared Language of Genocide Prevention Across the Globe
Yazda welcomes and supports the exhumation of mass graves in Hamadan, Sinjar
Iraq : début de construction d'un mémorial pour les victimes du génocide des Yézidis
German Federal Court Of Justice Confirms The First-Ever Conviction Of A Daesh Member For Genocide
Nadia Murad's Statement on Recognition of Yazidi Genocide by German Government
Joint Statement on Recognition of Yazidi Genocide by German Parliament
German parliament recognizes Yazidi genocide in Iraq
Verbrechen an Jesiden sollen als Völkermord anerkannt werden
German woman goes on trial over ‘enslaving’ Yazidi woman
Why are mercenaries being used more widely in conflicts?
German court opens trial of suspected 'Islamic State' member