Congress just passed a big change to war crimes law. Here’s what it means for Ukraine and beyond.
This week, as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made the rounds in Washington, Congress unanimously pushed through a critical piece...
Creating a Shared Language of Genocide Prevention Across the Globe
Congress just passed a big change to war crimes law. Here’s what it means for Ukraine and beyond.
2022: A year in the Middle East
Ukraine:une association demande l'ouverture d'une enquête pour "génocide" après des déportations...
Vojni strateg o zaustavljanju Rusije: 'Konvencionalni rat je mrtav'
Conflit en Ukraine, armes nucléaires... Vladimir Poutine présente les objectifs de l'armée russe
Daniel Serwer: Hrvatska staje uz Moskvu koja podržava njene nacionalističke ciljeve u BiH
How Ukraine’s proposed special tribunal for Russian aggression would work
Russians Systematically Loot Art, Ancient Relics From Ukraine’s Cultural Sites
Franceschi «La guerre d'Erdogan contre les Kurdes rappelle étrangement celle de Poutine en Ukraine"