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Application Instituting Proceedings and Request for Provisional Measures, Republic of Armenia v. Republic of Azerbaijan, Volume 1

International Court of Justice

September 2021

Business Title

Averting a New War between Armenia and Azerbaijan

International Crisis Group

January 2023

Business Title

Forced Marriage of Uyghur Women: State Policies for Interethnic Marriages in East Turkistan

Uyghur Human Rights Project

November 2022

Business Title

Afghanistan: The Rule of Taliban: A year of violence, impunity and false promises

Amnesty International


Business Title

Armenia Inter-agency Response Plan 2020-2021 - Final Report


August 2022

Business Title

The Peace and Security Monitor - Central Asia

Platform for Peace and Humanity

December 2022

Business Title

First they Targeted our Culture and Language: Threats to Rohingya Language, Culture and Identity in Myanmar and Bangladesh

Rohingya Language Preservation Project


Business Title

Afghanistan: “They don’t treat us like humans”: Unlawful returns of Afghans from Turkey and Iran

Amnesty International


Business Title

Erasure of Armenian Heritage by Azerbaijan and Denial of Armenians’ Right to Exercise their Christian Religion

Armenian Bar

Business Title

OHCHR Assessment of human rights concerns in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China


August 2022

Business Title

Myanmar: “Bullets rained from the sky”: War crimes and displacement in eastern Myanmar

Amnesty International


Business Title

India: Persecution of minorities and shrinking space for dissent: Amnesty International: Submission to the 41st session of the UPR Working Group

Amnesty International


Business Title

Genocide in the News in Asia


Friday, February 23, 2024, 12noon ET,  "How to Identify Genocide: The Ukraine Case"
Friday, March 22, 2024, 12noon ET,  "When Genocide is Global: The Case of Armenians"
Friday, May 3, 2024, 12noon ET,  "Hidden in Plain View: The Case of Genocide in Gaza"
Friday, July 26, 2024, 12noon ET,  "Restorative Justice & Genocide Prevention"
Friday, September 27, 12noon ET,  "We Charge Genocide: Anti-Black Racism & Genocide"
Friday, November 15, 2024, 12noon ET,  "Stochastic v. Defined Intent: Femicide, Anti-Trans Genocide, and LGBTQ+ Hate"
December 2024 (date TBA),  Online Global Youth Summit in Genocide Prevention

As part of the Year of Prevention, the Lemkin Institute will host a series of Friday online symposia highlighting topics with universal relevance to genocide prevention.

Register for each event here.

The Lemkin Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the United States. EIN:  87-1787869

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