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Bangladesh Human Traffickers Exploiting Rohingya Women in Refugee Camps

[WE News]

DHAKA: A large number of Rohingya women in Bangladesh are being targeted by human traffickers who offer them false promises of escape from the dire living conditions in the world’s largest refugee camp in the country’s Cox’s Bazar.

Home to nearly 1 million Rohingya refugees, Cox’s Bazar has been described by Amnesty International as “inhumane,” with inhabitants trapped within fenced areas, facing severe shortages of food, water, and electricity. This desperate situation has driven thousands of refugees to seek avenues out of the overcrowded camp, often falling prey to human trafficking networks.

Mohammed Mizanur Rahman, Bangladesh’s refugee relief and repatriation commissioner, acknowledged the severity of the issue. “Human trafficking is undoubtedly a problem here. From the government’s side, we are trying to combat this,” Rahman told Arab News.

He highlighted that many Rohingya women and children are trafficked due to extreme frustration and destitution, seeking to escape through perilous sea journeys to countries like Malaysia and Indonesia. The UN Refugee Agency reported that 569 Rohingya persons died or went missing in 2023 while attempting these dangerous crossings, the highest figure in nine years.

Rahman explained that some women embark on these journeys with hopes of marrying Rohingya men already settled in Southeast Asia. “Most of the Rohingya living in Malaysia are male. They get married to Rohingya girls living in the camps through mobile phone contacts. Later, the males send money to bring their wives to Malaysia,” he said, noting the involvement of human traffickers to bypass legal travel restrictions.

However, these attempts often lead to tragic outcomes, with reports of abuse, exploitation, and fatalities at sea. The Rohingya, labeled by the UN as the “world’s most persecuted minority,” have endured decades of persecution in Myanmar, culminating in a mass exodus to Bangladesh in 2017 following a brutal military crackdown.

Asif Munir, a migration expert based in Dhaka, highlighted the vulnerabilities of Rohingya women in Cox’s Bazar, exacerbated by restricted movement, lack of work opportunities, and dwindling international aid. “The Rohingya population is vulnerable and densely populated, making them easy targets for traffickers who exploit their dire circumstances,” Munir explained.

He noted that despite law enforcement efforts, challenges persist due to the camp’s size and security concerns involving armed groups. Many Rohingya women, facing exploitation by local men or lured into commercial sex work, see illegal migration facilitated by traffickers as a risky but potentially better alternative.

“In their perception, going to Malaysia offers a chance at a better life, even under illegal circumstances,” Munir added.


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