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“Geghard” SAF welcomes the announcement by Lemkin Institute to withdraw support for Azerbaijan's hosting of COP29

YEREVAN, JUNE 7, ARMENPRESS. The “Geghard” Scientific and Analytical Foundation welcomes the announcement by the Lemkin Institute calling on the UN to withdraw support for Azerbaijan's hosting of the COP29 climate conference.

The statement by “Geghard” reads as follows:

“The Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention called on the United Nations to withdraw support for Azerbaijan's hosting of the COP29 climate conference. The Lemkin Institute notes that Azerbaijan is a genocidal state, whose leader routinely expresses genocidal ideology towards Armenians, calling them "dogs", "jackals" and "terrorists". The Lemkin Institute calls on the international community to reject the genocidal ideology and withdraw support for Azerbaijan as host of the conference.

“The UN climate conference is scheduled to be held in November 2024 in Baku. Such a large-scale event, under the auspices of the United Nations, should be aimed at finding solutions to the global-level problem. Meanwhile, Azerbaijan exploits it to put pressure on Armenia.

“Azerbaijan has repeatedly manipulated 'environmental issues' in recent years. At the end of 2022, under the pretext of environmental concerns, the complete blockade of Artsakh began. Azerbaijan has also regularly opened fire on the factory under construction in Yeraskh, obstructing the construction work. This country continues to claim that it is allegedly developing green energy in Artsakh and that by 2050, it will make it a 'carbon-free zone.'

“International organizations, including the UN, as well as politicians from various countries who have publicly supported Azerbaijan in holding the climate conference and are involved in promoting Azerbaijan's 'green image,' should urge Baku not to use the climate event to exert pressure on other countries. Otherwise, they are also directly responsible for Azerbaijan's aggressive policy.

“The “Geghard” Foundation welcomes the Lemkin Institute's statement. The UN has an obligation to ensure that events held under its auspices are not used as opportunities to present accusation against Armenia.”



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As part of the Year of Prevention, the Lemkin Institute will host a series of Friday online symposia highlighting topics with universal relevance to genocide prevention.

Register for each event here.

The Lemkin Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the United States. EIN:  87-1787869

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