Let's Work Together in 2024 to Stop Genocide Once and for All
2023 has taught us that the world does not have the tools or the understanding necessary to prevent genocide. Unfortunately, leaders in the large powers still use genocide to achieve territory and resource goals and to deal with political situations that they would like to disappear. We want to change that!
We are initiating the "2024: Year of Prevention" initiative to educate people all over the world in the tools of genocide prevention, with a specific focus on youth. Today's youth are building a future that will need to respond to humanity's collective challenges related to climate change, environmental degradation, and glaring economic inequality. We believe that their responses to these challenges can also bring an end to genocide.
The Year of Prevention, while focusing on youth, is for everyone! It will include:
Trainings in Genocide Prevention
Small Group Discussions (regional, country-based, and around specific issues)
Regular Updates on Year of Prevention initiatives around the world
In December 2024 we will host an online Global Youth Summit where young people who have participated in our Year of Prevention will present their findings and communicate with one another across borders about what it will take to create a world free from genocide in the future.
Click on the button below to find out how you can get involved!
If your organization would like to partner with us on this initiative, please email us here.